Nine Tips On How To Create A Logo That Perfectly Represents Your Brand
These are excellent tips although I would have liked to see them listed in order of priority. Number 7 (Have clarity first) should absolutely come first. Without clarity, the process is a waste of time and money.
“…put thought and effort into creating a unique logo that truly represents who you are and communicates that to your audience effectively.”
1. Make your logo ownable to your brand
2. Take your time
3. Consider your company values
4. Use a professional
5. Understand what your brand stands for
6. Customize your color palette
7. Have clarity first
8. Make it a storytelling opportunity
9. Show the science
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Article Credit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescommunicationscouncil/2017/05/19/nine-tips-on-how-to-create-a-logo-that-perfectly-represents-your-brand/#7697c8f1f837
By Forbes Communications Council
Your company logo is a key piece of your identity as a brand. Not only is it a visual representation of what your business stands for, but it can also inspire your target audience to take action and ultimately build loyalty between your brand and your customers.
Whether you’re an established business going through a rebranding process or just starting out, put thought and effort into creating a unique logo that truly represents who you are and communicates that to your audience effectively.
Below, nine communications executives from Forbes Communications Council offer their insights into what it takes to create the perfect business logo.
1. Make your logo ownable to your brand.
My number one tip is to make sure your logo is ownable to your brand. If you replaced your name with a competitor’s, would the customer understand the difference? Branding needs to go across all of your marketing elements to the point where a customer could see a font and color and immediately have brand recognition. -Heather Dueitt,NoteVault
2. Take your time.
Entrepreneurs and communications teams often quickly design a logo in house or outsource it and go with the first option they can agree on. This can backfire and lead to a logo and brand image to which they are unhappily wed. Take your time in deciding on the design and color palette. Bring in different stakeholders to share their opinions. It is something you will likely live with for a long time, so make sure you get it right. - Jennifer Mellon, Trustify
3. Consider your company values.
Develop a logo that reinforces your company’s core values at first and second glance. McAfee recently revealed a new logo that initially looks like a shield (i.e. protection). However, at second glance, you see that the new shield not only creates an “M” (for McAfee), but also forms an interlocking connection between each side of the shield, further reinforcing our “Together is Power” tagline. -Brandie Claborn, McAfee
4. Use a professional.
Just as you probably wouldn’t let your cousin’s intern son manage your accounting, the same should hold true for a logo. If you want to be taken seriously, hire a professional. The cost will be worth it, as a trained designer will ask the right questions, research the competition and create files that look crisp and work on all platforms you would show it on, such as different social media accounts and beyond. - Charlie Riley, Lawley
Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only organization for communications, public relations, public affairs and media relations executives. Do I qualify?
5. Understand what your brand stands for.
Any logo design should start with an exploration of what your brand stands for and who your audience is. Are you humble? Disruptive? Irreverent? Playful? Sophisticated? Your logo should reflect the values and personality of your company. And don’t forget to think about the audience you’re trying to reach to make sure your new logo will communicate your values in a way that will resonate with them. - Nadja Blagojevic, Axiom
6. Customize your color palette.
Allowing your brand the flexibility for different color schemes within the same design can be attractive to your target audiences. It showcases your creativity while still making sure people know what you stand for with a powerful logo. -Glenn Gray, Buffalo.Agency
7. Have clarity first.
Write down who you are, who you serve and what you represent. What are your business’s five core values? What is the single most important feeling you want your customers to have when they see your brand or hear your name? The more clarity you have about your identity, the easier for your design professional (use a professional!) to generate ideas that are reflective and creative. - Natalie Hahn, Billtrust
8. Make it a storytelling opportunity.
If you want to get noticed today among many brands, create a logo that makes people take notice. Stay classy, but think creative. Take a survey and don’t rush the process. I took a long time with mine, and I tried to tie my company message into the logo. In today’s social media world, you will use the logo a lot across many platforms so don’t just like it — love it! - Kraig Kann, Kann Advisory Group
9. Show the science.
Showing the science of brand color association is key to elevating the discussion above personal preferences. With 90% of people’s assessment of products and services based on color, ensuring that your color choices evoke the right feelings is foundational to an authentic brand. Relying on science also optimizes faster buy in, leading to brand adherence and consistency across the organization. - Eileen Canady, SYKES
Category tags: Industry Insights , Branding